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As a company based in Güglingen, we feel a strong connection with the Zabergäu region and the local community.
On 30 October 2023, Mr Bayaz, Minister of Finance of Baden-Württemberg, visited our company to get an impression of a medium-sized company in the...
The Heilbronner Stimme reported on 13.05.2023 about the visit of Fabian Gramling, member of the Bundestag, to the RENNER company.
At the end of last year, the Brackenheim chapter of the German Red Cross was delighted to receive a donation from the company RENNER GmbH...
RENNER Kompressoren donates to church community and supports socially weak people in the region. The money is to be administered and passed on to...
The Technik Museum in Sinsheim published a report about the support of our compressor in the new souvenir store on the occasion of the inauguration.
In the September issue, the magazine Factoring & Handling Solution published a report on our product range and company under the title "RENNER...
You can find the press report „oil-injected screw compressor“ about our new compressor range RSDKM(F)-PRO in the online portal „PROZESSTECHNIK“.
The Heilbronner Stimme published a report about our compressor station at the Löwenbrauerei Hall on 06.04.2021 incl. an article about the company...
„Compressed air for applications of all kinds“ was the title of the magazine Factory & Handling solutions, publishing a report about our company.